Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday 3 October 2009

Preparation ?

yeay !

today we've start discussing & deciding on few things for our wedding..at last ! not much, but at least bergerak la sket kan :p hehe i'm kinda nervous actually since we haven't start anything yet..even we don't have a fix n confirm date yet but i guess the time is getting nearer day by day..tapi actually we both were kinda stress td cuz we can't get the date for our solemnization & receptions..

susah sgt2 tau ! rasa mcm nk nanges jugak sumtyms bila start thinking bout it..yelaa, dgn my studies yg schedule xfix n keep on changing tu..plus medical student ni manelaa ada long hols or breaks..so my choice now is just either february or august..tu pon xtau exact date..if february the holiday is kinda short..only 1week..whilst august tu around a month laa..manelaa sempat i nk blk msia n prepare for the whole thing kan? sofi pulak mmg his work xdpt date yg fixed utk naik kapal smua..for now, nxt plan pon company x confirm anything yet..if he hafta deliver the new kapal then he'll go to korea by december..then keje till april kot..if like this my february hols dh confirm la miss :( if august pulak too late la ! (aik, mcm dh xsabar plak nk kawen :p) tu pon xtau if clash with sofi's schedule naik kapal or cuti..

waaaa susahnya ;( he said that why not we get married in between that february or august...errr, means i just go back for the weekend, get married then off to class again on monday..NOOO ! then, of course la my uni friends cannot come for my reception..yelaa sape nk naik flight, blk msia semata2 for my wedding dhlaa not a holiday time..even my indonesian friends keep on asking when cuz they really excited to come (sanggup dtg msia babe, so touching laa) sedihhh...now, either one of us hafta mengalah :( i dunnoo..really2 stuck ! :((

oh no, enough with the not-so-happy-part..so just now we've list out some of the important things for our wedding, which is ;

dh ada progression
  • invitation card - surveyed ( got few that cought our eyes)
  • tempat - emailed for quotation
  • andaman & dais - emeailed for quotation
  • photographer - emailed for quotation
  • videographer - asked from hafidz

hafta settle

  • catering
  • doorgift
  • guestlist
  • hantaran
  • all those borang & tests
haishh..so much to do..hopefully everything's gonna be smooth, amin !